Kids blurred playing with toys from foster closet

Defending The Fatherless

“He defends the cause of the fatherless.”(Deut. 8:10) “God sets the lonely in families.”(Psalm 68:6)“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”(James 1:27) “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless.”(Isaiah 1:17)The verses are many, the command is clear. As Christians we are all called to do something. But what? But how? As a church, here are some of the ways we take action, standing for orphans and children & families experiencing foster care.


We help meet the physical & material needs of children experiencing adoption and foster care. We help meet the emotional & spiritual needs of the families that are with them in it, whether they are bio, kinship, foster, or adoptive families.

When children experience a foster placement they and their placement families often need specific supplies. And they usually need specific encouragement, assistance, and prayer. When vulnerable families just need a little bit of help in order to stabilize and prevent a child removal, we can help strengthen them and keep their family intact. When adoptive or foster families feel isolated or like they don’t know if they can continue, by God’s grace we are able to bless and encourage them, and point them right at the healing and sustaining power of Jesus.

We keep an inventory of the most used items and the most impactful blessings to distribute around Denton county to families who just need to feel a little love, need to know they are not alone, and need to see that God and his people care.


We connect people in our church to the needs of foster children and hurting families in their own neighborhoods by using CarePortal. There are families in crisis all over Denton county who need help and we have congregants all over Denton county who want to help, but rarely do they know of each other.

CarePortal bridges that gap by bringing needs of children and families experiencing foster care (or on the brink of it), vetted by caseworkers, directly to our church. Individuals or groups serve these families by meeting specific needs such as beds, car seats, desks, meal delivery, mentorship, and transportation. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus by stabilizing or preventing foster placements. Adoption and foster care are issues in our own backyards, not just “out there,” this is a great way to make an impact, create relationships, and heal brokenness.

One day. One Voice. One Purpose.


On Pure Religion Sunday we devote our entire service to standing for orphans and children and families in foster care. Christ came to be the light and bring the light of his love to all humanity. And he calls us to do the same for vulnerable children.

During our Sunday service we will rally with individuals and churches worldwide to be the light for orphans and foster children. This call has never been more important, as it is always the vulnerable who suffer most when times are hard. Let us bring a message of hope that is the light of Christ.

So let’s stand for these children. By praying. By providing resources. By providing relationships through adopting, fostering, and mentoring. 

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matt 5:16)


Mother’s Day can be a very difficult day for biological moms who are not raising their biological children, and for foster and adoptive moms who are raising children who are not their biological children. On this day many moms are reminded of the loss and pain they’ve endured. Many children tend to have heartache and confusion. Children sometimes want to make sure that we know we are not their “REAL” mom. This day is full of both brokenness and beauty. 

Our whole church carefully writes and distributes encouraging cards of love to bio and foster and adoptive mothers across north Texas for Mother’s Day.

Join Us In Serving Foster Children


C3 teams up with CASA of Denton County to help save Christmas for kids in foster care. Each year we receive Christmas lists and individuals, small groups, and ministry teams in our church help fulfill those lists. Our aim is to help hurting children know they matter and see Jesus as beautiful.

If you’re interested in serving in or being served by our Foster & Adopt ministry, click HERE and let us know.