C3Kids looking at map


C3Kids exists to show the beauty of Jesus to children and families by equipping them to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Each Sunday in C3Kids Children’s Ministry, our children are taught Biblical truths through worship songs, Bible stories, games, and crafts. We encourage children and families to memorize Scripture, learn catechism through song, and talk about Jesus throughout the course of the week using guided resources from C3Kids.

  • 9am Equip Hour has classes for 9months – 12th grade.
  • 10:30am Worship Service has classes for 9 months – 3rd grade. 4th – 12th graders can either serve as Junior Helpers in C3Kids or attend the main worship service. 


Kids doing a craft at a table
kids smiling and playing
a teacher of the kids ministry smiling and leading an activity

Made For Families


We love partnering with parents to help disciple their children to know the truths about God (Deuteronomy 6:4) and love God (Deuteronomy 6:5). Our hope is that these little ones will so fall in love with our Lord that they will spend the rest of their lives serving Him and others with joy! If you have additional questions or would like to find out more, please e-mail c3kids@c3denton.com


If you’re interested in serving in this ministry and have questions or would like to be a part of our next semester’s training sessions, email c3kids@c3denton.com, or click the button below.


Where do I take my kids on Sunday?

All of our ministries operate under one roof, and our volunteers and signs will help you find the C3Kids area in our building. Our team checks in all children at a station in the C3Kids lobby. Equip Hour check-in starts at 8:50 AM, and Worship Service check-in begins after the opening songs, around 10:45 AM.

Our volunteers will give you and each child a check-in code. You must present this check-in code to enter the C3Kids classroom area and to pick up your child at the end of the service. If we need to contact you during the service, our team will send you a text. Babies, toddlers, Pre-K, and elementary students meet in separate classrooms.

You don’t have to memorize any of this—our friendly volunteers will guide you to the right place!

Where should I park?

Our building has a large parking lot, making parking simple. You can park anywhere and use any entrance. For a quicker route to the C3Kids area, use the Family Entrance on the west side of the building.

What are your Kids Ministry safety policies?

Keeping children safe is our top priority in every aspect of our ministry. We conduct background checks and MinistrySafe training for every team member. Our team regularly trains in classroom management, non-physical discipline techniques, and whole-child well-being. Each team member wears a name tag for easy identification.

For security, parents must present a valid check-in sticker or be escorted by a volunteer to enter the C3Kids area. Our trained Safety Team patrols the campus throughout the morning. Team members must never be alone with a child or group of children. During bathroom breaks, two volunteers always escort the children, ensuring no child is ever left unsupervised.

Who receives snacks in C3Kids?

Our team provides Cheerios and water as a snack for children in the Toddler through Elementary classes. If your child has a food allergy or dietary restriction, please inform us at check-in and bring an individual snack for your child. For babies, bring a bottle with feeding instructions if needed, or use our nursing area near the C3Kids lobby. We also provide Gerber Puffs for crawling infants.

What do you teach in C3Kids?

Everything we do and teach follows the truth of the Bible. The Gospel transforms children into followers of Jesus. Therefore, we intentionally teach with a Gospel-centered focus from the Scriptures. We currently use The Biggest Story curriculum by Kevin DeYoung, which helps children understand God’s plan to redeem the world through His Son, Jesus, in each lesson.

What about health concerns?

Children must be free of fever, vomiting, rash, pink eye, head lice, or illness for at least 24 hours before entering the C3Kids area. This 24-hour well policy ensures a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

Please inform us at check-in if your child has any allergies or special needs. We will print their specific needs or allergies on their name tag to notify the volunteers caring for them that day.

What about older children?

Equip Hour provides classes for children from 9 months through 12th grade, dividing them by age group. During the Worship Service, 4th through 12th graders can serve as Junior Helpers in C3Kids or join the main worship service. We believe children benefit from witnessing their parents worship Christ and study the Bible. If you have middle or high school students, visit our Arise Student Ministry page for meeting times.

Additional Questions?

We’re here to help. Let’s talk.