What Do I Do Next?
God intends for us all to have meaningful relationships to help us grow in our Christ-likeness. Below you will find the roadmap for how to make close connections a reality in your life at C3. If you have additional questions, fill out the Connection Card.

Visit On Sunday
Join us this Sunday! Reflect on who God is and who we are by hearing His Word preached and singing about His truths with other Christians.

Meet The Pastors
On the 1st Sunday of each month, immediately after the service, you are invited to a relaxed, family-friendly lunch to the church leaders and ask questions about C3. Lunch and childcare are provided.

Find Community
God gives us relationships and experiences to bless us and shape us. Join others in serving at C3, visit a small group (parish), or take a class during the Equip Hour. Experience the transformation of living the Christian life with others.

Explore Partnership
Attend an Exploring Partnership Dinner and learn about C3’s approach to church membership. At this family-friendly dinner, you will be equipped with a biblical framework for the local church to help you decide if this is the community with which you can grow and mature. Dinner and child care provided!
You will have the opportunity to learn and discuss what we believe as a church, why we commit to one another, and how we function as partners, deacons, and elders.

Partner with C3
God’s design is that we actively participate in a local church, the body of Christ. In the same way that a body has parts, C3 has partners (members). We are to know others and to be known by others. We encourage you to participate in the privileges and responsibilities of the body of Christ, the Church. You are wanted and needed to make the body whole!